Friday, June 4, 2010

Womens Nationals - Madison May25-28th

Gopher women; Allison, Amberose, Emma, Kate, Natalie, KK along with coach Dave traveled to Wisconsin, Madison last week to compete in Women's ICSA Nationals. As many may have already heard, there was not enough wind to get races off neither Tuesday nor Wednesday.

Vice Commodore, Allison Prange describes the event. "Tuesday and Wednesday were just a series of waiting games. A's were sent out and brought back in about 5 times on Tuesday, only starting one race which was later called off once the wind died (though we were beating Wisco at the time... so I think we would have beat them overall... haha). Sitting in the sun from 8:30-7 took its toll on us all. We came home and passed out early hoping to get some sailing in on Wednesday.
A's went out early on Wednesday morning, with enough wind to get to the line only for it to completely die again. We sat for 30 minutes on the water and were sent back in. They held us on shore until about 6pm when a storm started to come through and it was determined that there was not enough time to complete a full regatta so Semi's was called off."

The final 18 teams for Womens was than determined by the old formula placing MN one spot out of qualifying from their district (MCSA). While the two days of no sailing and loosing a chance at Nationals were disappointing for the ladies, they certainly were able to make the best of it. The team was given the opportunity to participate in a clinic the following two days held by female olympic gold medalist Anna Tunnicliffe. Coming off the water they all agreed that Anna was a, "fantastic teacher and that it was one of the most beneficial experiences of our college sailing careers".

Congratulations Gophers on a successful season! Happy sailing this summer! Farewell to Seniors Amberose Kramer, Kate Hockins, and Nick Hovland

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